Vista Concepts. LLC Apps

Family Fallout Shelter 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Learn why you should have a fallout shelterfor your family, these shelters are good for much more than justfallout!This is a book created by the United Stated Government many yearsago, but the plans are still valid. It covers below & aboveground shelters as well as basement shelters.
Stop Smoking Hypnosis Audio 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Completely FREE professionally recorded hypnosis system...Stop Smoking with Hypnosis, let this audio system guide you into an altered state that will encourage you to stop smoking.Bonuses included.... Stop Smoking forums where thousands helpsupport each other in their effort to quit smoking.Plus stop smoking community news!** These claims have not been evaluated by the FDA. Always seekprofessional advice before making any lifestyle changes.
Affirmations for Success 1.2
Vista Concepts. LLC
Affirmations for Success with Bonus Content!Affirmations are a powerful ingredient in positive thinking.Theyare not statements that you wish to be true; they arestatementsthat you must believe are true.Affirmations are positive statements describing adesiredcondition in your life. That condition may not yet exist,but theaffirmation is spoken as thoughit does. A simple example might be: “I am at peace with mylife.”This i srepeated several times on a daily basis, out loud ormentally,the aim being to program the subconscious mind intoproducing thedesired outcome. They must be sincerely felt, andspoken in thepresent tense with conviction and enthusiasm.We carry out such mental programming every day whether we knowitor not; the trick is to make this programming consciousandpositive. The alternative is to be unaware that we areissuingnegative affirmations to ourselves. If youhave ever made a mistake and muttered “I am such an idiot”,youhave givenyourself a negative affirmation. The problem is that anynegativeaffirmation you give enters your subconscious mind and hasa harmfuleffect – it creates your reality.Positive thinking as a popular psychology can be traced backto1937, with Napoleon Hill’s bestselling Think and Grow Rich
Healthy Kids Diet & Fitness 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
This App Is One Of The Most Valuable ResourcesIn The World When It Comes To Everything You Need To Know To GiveThe Gift Of Health To Youngsters!Is the fact that you would like to get a grip on how to manage yourchild's health but just don't know how making your lifedifficult... maybe even miserable?Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power tofigure it out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re stillplagued with:• Not knowing even the basics on getting started with betterhealth for your child• Not understanding even where to start with the right and wrongfoods• Not knowing the best exercises for kidsIf this describes you, then you are in luck today...First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but notknowing how to get started with making your kid's health better isfar more common than you’d think.I ought to know, because I’ve been in the same spotbefore..."Why Understanding All The Ins And Outs Of Helping Your Child BeHealthy ls Crucial!"This is one area you must pay attention to…The need to ensure kids’ health is one of the most importantobligations of parents. In today’s world where many adults tend tolive with unhealthy and inactive lifestyle, it is crucial to teachyour kids the essentials of health while they are still young.Let me explain...While you can still guide them, you need to help them understandthe different aspects of their health. In doing this, you do nothave to sound as if you are giving a sermon or a lecture. Throughyour nurturing and care along with their other daily activities,you can ensure that your kids have healthy and balancedlifestyle.And the worst part? The more you don't know the less you willsucceed!Make no mistake about it..."The Costs of NOT Getting All The Info You Need Are Just TooHigh!"Your lack of knowledge in this area may not be your fault, butthat doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t -- or can’t -- do anything tofind out everything you need to know to finally be a success withhelping your child to have better health!The costs of continuing to repeat this pattern are just toosteep...I mean, think about all of the money and time you’re wastingbecause of how continuing to try things that don't work costs youmoney... the time you’re losing due to going around in circles isalso time-consuming...... and that’s not to mention the toll it’s taking on yourchild's health, like the way the failed attempts over and over canimpact how they take care of their health when they are older.So today -- in the next FEW MINUTES, in fact -- we’re going tohelp you GET ON TRACK, and learn how you can quickly and easily getyour child's health issues under control... for GOOD!That is why I've written this book..."This Book Below Will Show You Exactly What What You Need To DoTo Finally Be A Success With Helping Your Child Be Healthy!"As a person just like you who has struggled with these issues, Ihave searched high and low to find the best strategies to fix thisproblem and I am fully qualified and equipped to help you put anend to your frustration with trying to wade through all the infoyou need to know to be a success in managing your child'shealth.The habits that kids would develop will surely be carried onthrough their adult years. While they are still young, it is everyparent’s duty to help them develop the right habits. Along withcharacter development, you should also take into consideration thedaily habits of your kids, for instance, the foods that they eat,their physical activities, their relationship with other people andeven their perceptions on things and the environment.And all of this up till now is just the beginning!
Army Survival Guide FM 21-76 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
The most proven and field tested militarytechniques, documented by the U.S military and used for officialtraining, The U.S. Army Survival Manual provides step by stepinstruction and illustrations for surviving outdoors--survivalskills every soldier, climber, hiker, and hunter should know.Army Field Manual FM 21-76 (Survival, Evasion, and Recovery) is theUnited States Army's official guide to survival. With an emphasistowards the soldier who may be trapped behind enemy lines or in acombat zone, the field manual focuses on essential topics such asevasion, navigation, radio communications and signaling, recovery,medical, personal protection, water, food, and other extremecircumstances that the soldier may face. "Army Field Manual FM21-76 (Survival, Evasion, and Recovery)" is a must for militarybuffs and a useful survival guide for anyone venturing into thewilderness.
Feng Shui Fortunes 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
“Who Else Wants To Achieve Financial FreedomBy Changing The Way You Design Your Office And House?!"This Book Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In The World OfFeng Shui!“Attract Wealth And Abundance With Simple Tweaks Within YourOffice And Your House Design!”This is one area you must pay attention to…When it comes to feng shui mastery, the techniques are a littleunique and very much focused on attracting the right energy to yourhouse within a stipulated period of time.Let me explain...The idea behind feng shui would be to help you to reach heightsnever before thought of possible with the help and guidance of thefengshui training.You need to understand the vision that you have and then createan outline of steps that you will be able to follow to effectivelyget the vision from that stage to reality.And the worst part? The more you don't have the right skills theless you will succeed!"This Book Below Will Show You Exactly What You Need To Do ToFinally Have All The Financial freedom You Need!"As a person just like you who has struggled with bettering mylife, I have searched high and low to find the best fengshuistrategies to fix this problem and I am fully qualified andequipped to help you put an end to your frustration with trying towade through all the info you need to know about fengshui!There is also the active participation of the professionalfengshui consultant in helping you to increase the fortune, luckand abundance levels in tackling tasks set in the quest to reachthe end goal, as projected.Fengshui skills will help in reaching the goal with a biggerdifference and to accelerate your luck in terms of career andbusiness.And all of this up till now is just the beginning!In This Book, You Will Learn:Feng Shui Your Wallet for Financial FreedomFeng Shui Tips To Help You Advance Your Career and Make MoreMoneyWhat the Color of Your Wallet Says About Your WealthUse the Feng Shui Five-Element Color Cycle to Change yourLifeMeaning Of SymbolsAnd so much more!
Low Carb Cookbook 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Let us make you an EXPERT in the kitchen withour easy to make low carb recipes.You don't have to be a trained chef to create gourmet dishes.Our easy to follow directions will make you an expert culinaryaficionado. Our ingredients are carefully researched both for tasteand for their health effects. We have worked around the clock tofind ingredients and develop recipes that taste great and are goodfor you!Don't let the enticement of forbidden culinary delights playhavoc with your health. Whatever you love and yet must stay clearof, we have delicious alternatives for you. All of the followingrecipes have a carb count of no more than 50 carbs per serving (atthe highest) . In fact everything here has been created so that itfalls between 2-50 carbs per serving.In the following pages you will find over 300 of the mostcomplete and delicious low carb recipes anywhere. We foundscrumptious recipes and changed them to their low-carbcounterparts. They are delicious, delightful and easy to make. Mostof the recipes in this compilation have an average of 1-50 grams ofcarbs per serving. You may note that they range in difficulty. Thisis because the cooks who created them came from various backgroundsof culinary expertise. Even though the cooks added to the recipe inhis/her own way, don’t be afraid to make these recipes yours bychanging ingredients to satisfy your own pallet. I hope you enjoythem as much as we did .Bon appetite!!
Hypnosis for Weight Loss 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Completely free Hypnosis Weight Loss System:Loss weight with Hypnosis. This professional audio system thatwill guide you in to a weight loss state.Includes free bonus guide: Diet Tweak SystemThe Diet Tweak System will explain a few easily implementedthings you can do with little effort that will kick start yourweight loss effort.** Not approved by the FDA - Seek professional advice beforestarting any new lifestyle
Works of Edgar Allan Poe 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Over 1000 pages of Edgar Allan Poe works. Thisbook will last you a very long time with all Poe's best works. Thisis a very large book and may not work well on older devices, butshould work great on newer devices especially tablets.... Own thismassive collection of Poe's best works for free!Here are a few of the included works...A DESCENT INTO THE MAELSTROMA DREAM WITHIN A DREAMA DREAMA PREDICAMENTA TALE OF THE RAGGED MOUNTAINSA VALENTINEAL AARAAFALONEAN ENIGMAANNABEL LEEBERENICEBON-BONBRIDAL BALLADCRITICISMEVENING STARand so many more!
Get Rid of Procrastination 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Get Rid Of Procrastination-Hypnotherapy ForBreaking Bad Habits With Procrastination SeriesPresenting \our hypnotherapy series for your success,enlightenment and breaking bad habits with procrastination.There is no danger in hypnotherapy but it is able to help youbuild many aspects of your life. Hypnotherapy can also help youbecome more mentally aware and has been shown to have healingaspects. We ask you to do nothing else while listening to ourseries as you should be relaxed and focused.Listen to this series often to get the repeat benefits of themessage and to bring about the positive results. Be kind toyourself and allow yourself to take the time to relax and gothrough the series to create your own success.
Law Of Attraction Bible 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
“Today… Change Your Life And Live Your DreamsUsing The Ultimate Law Of The Universe!”Discover The Secrets Of Attracting Your Desire And GetEverything You’ve Ever Dreamt Of!"Here's The Good News!"Anybody – Regardless of their circumstances can equip themselveswith these information.But before we go into that, ask yourself, have you ever facedany of these problems in your life?Do not understand law of attractionUnable to control your thoughts and emotionsConfuse about law of attractionHere’s What You'll Learn:History of the Law of AttractionHow the Law of Attraction worksHow people tend to misuse the Law of AttractionClearing out the clutter in your mindBeing very clear about what you wantAnd more"Let Me Shed Some Light On Some Things That May Be On YourMind!"Will this help me in understanding law of attraction?Absolutely! The information in this book have been put togetherto make you understand the law of attraction.Will I be able to put these information to practice easily?Most definitely! The strategies and techniques have been mappedout clearly in this guide so that anyone can start using it.
Army Military Police Operation 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Military Police Operations guide from theUnited States GovernmentThe Army depends on Military Police (MP) to maintain law, order,and discipline to provide security for Army personnel. They serveworldwide as the Army's law enforcement, security, anti-terrorismand force-protection specialists to handle crimes committed on Armyinstallations and to support Army fighting forces on thebattlefield.Military Police Soldiers are recognized as law enforcementprofessionals who receive some of the most advanced police trainingavailable.You will be trained to provide a wide range of diverse supportand challenged to adapt to any mission or environment. Thistraining is designed to transform a civilian into a Soldier and toprovide the necessary expertise needed to be a Military PoliceSoldier.
Army Urban Operations 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
United States Army Urban Operations FieldGuideThis manual provides the analytically tools for evaluating anurban operation todetermine if the operation is necessary for overall missionsuccess. It also provides the means to understanding anddetermining the impacts of the urbanenvironment on military operations and provides information onmanaging,taking advantage of, and mitigating the effects of those impacts asappropriate.As such, this manual demonstrates how to apply the doctrinalprinciples to this unique environment.Chapter 1 URBAN OUTLOOK 1-1The Prospect of Urban Operations 1-2Urban Perspective 1-2Historical Significance of Urban Areas in Warfare 1-3Modern Army Urban Operations 1-8Chapter 2 URBAN ENVIRONMENT 2-1A Complex Environment 2-2Urban Terrain 2-3Urban Society 2-14Urban Infrastructure 2-19Chapter 3 URBAN THREAT 3-1Asymmetry 3-2Weapons of Mass Destruction 3-2Threat Operational Principles 3-3Urban Threat Tactics 3-6Negative Effects of Urbanization 3-11Chapter 4 CONTEMPLATING URBAN OPERATIONS 4-1Necessity of Urban Operations 4-2Characteristics of Major Urban Operations 4-7Integration into Land Operations 4-10Chapter 5 FOUNDATIONS FOR URBAN OPERATIONS 5-1Urban Operational Framework 5-1Fundamentals of Urban Operations 5-12General Effects on Operations 5-16Chapter 6 URBAN OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS 6-1Purpose of Urban Offensive Operations 6-1Characteristics of Urban Offensive Operations 6-2Urban Offensive Operations and Battlefield Organization 6-6Forms and Types of Urban Offense 6-9Urban Offensive Considerations 6-15Chapter 7 URBAN DEFENSIVE OPERATIONS 7-1Purpose of Urban Defensive Operations 7-1Characteristics of Urban Defensive Operations 7-2Urban Defensive Operations and Battlefield Organization 7-5Types of Urban Defense 7-5Urban Defensive Considerations 7-10Chapter 8 URBAN STABILITY OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT OPERATIONS8-1Purpose of Urban Stability Operations and Support Operations8-2Characteristics of Urban Stability Operations and SupportOperations 8-2Urban Stability Operations, Support Operations, and BattlefieldOrganization 8-3Types and Forms of Stability Operations and Support Operations8-4Considerations of Urban Stability Operations and Support Operations8-6Chapter 9 URBAN COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT 9-1Urban CSS Characteristics 9-2Logistics Preparation of the Theater 9-4CSS Functions 9-7General Engineer Support 9-26Civil-Military Operations 9-28Appendix A SIEGE OF BEIRUT: AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE FUNDAMENTALSOF URBAN OPERATIONS A-1Overall Strategic Situation A-1Israeli Military Position A-2PLO Military Position A-2Role of Civilians A-3Information Operations A-3
Nutrition Essentials 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
"Get All The Support And Guidance You Need ToBe A Success At Understanding Nutrition!"This App Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In The World WhenIt Comes To Exploring The Correct Way To Eat For Weight Loss AndMaintenance!Is the fact that you would like to get a grip on how tounderstand how to eat right for a healthy weight but just don'tknow how making your life difficult... maybe even miserable?Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power tofigure it out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re stillplagued with:• Not knowing even the basics on getting started withnutrition• Not understanding even where to start with the correctcarbs• Not knowing how important your view of food isIf this describes you, then you are in luck today...First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but notknowing how to get started with nutrition for a healthy weight isfar more common than you’d think.I ought to know, because I’ve been in the same spotbefore..."Why Understanding All The Ins And Outs Of Nutrition lsCrucial!"This is one area you must pay attention to…When your pounds have piled up and your pants have gotten tootight, it is time for you to watch what you eat. By viewing foodscorrectly, you will be able to maintain your fitness and health.Therefore, you need to know the nutritional information of eachfood item you purchase from the supermarket. Bear in mind thatknowledge is power.Let me explain...When you know the truth behind a food item, you will be able todetermine if it is an enemy or not. However, when you are ignorant,you will just get surprised on how the foods you eat will take atoll on you. See how important knowledge in weight loss is?And the worst part? The more you don't know the less you willsucceed!Make no mistake about it..."The Costs of NOT Getting All The Info You Need Are Just TooHigh!"Your lack of knowledge in this area may not be your fault, butthat doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t -- or can’t -- do anything tofind out everything you need to know to finally be a success withunderstanding nutritionto have better health!The costs of continuing to repeat this pattern are just toosteep...I mean, think about all of the money and time you’re wastingbecause of how continuing to try things that don't work costs youmoney... the time you’re losing due to going around in circles isalso time-consuming...... and that’s not to mention the toll it’s taking on health,like the way the failed attempts over and over can impact how youchoose your foods.So today -- in the next FEW MINUTES, in fact -- we’re going tohelp you GET ON TRACK, and learn how you can quickly and easily getyour nutrition issues under control... for GOOD!You Will Learn:The Food PyramidCorrect Proteins For Weight LossCorrect Carbs For Weight LossCorrect Fats For Weight LossWhat About Organic And Raw FoodsAnd so much more!
Army Booby Traps Field Manual 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Army Booby Trap Field Manual FM 5-31Learn the history of Booby traps formerly taught by the U.S.Army. As Booby traps are no longer in use by the Army due tointernational treaties.This guide is the complete and definitive guide to the mosteffective and efficient booby traps as developed by the U.S.Army.The book is for educational purposes only; learn how to bothassemble, trigger, identify and remove booby traps in anyenvironment. This manual contains in depth guides on practical andeffective disguises of booby traps, and has approximately 100images for those that prefer learning visually.You should not try to create any device found in this book.
Hypnosis Make Dreams Come True 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Harness the power of Hypnotic Suggestion tomake your dreams come true. This is a professionally recordedhypnosis system that focuses on opening you up to new possibilitiesto achieve more in life.Enjoy this relaxing hypnosis system and achieve more.
Army Mountain Operations 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Army Mountain OperationsThis Field Guide Manual - describes the tactics, techniques, andprocedures that the United States (US) Army uses to fight inmountainous regions. It is directly linked to doctrinal principlesfound in FM 3-0 and FM 3-100.40 and should be used in conjunctionwith them. It provides key information andconsiderations for commanders and staffs regarding how mountainsaffect personnel, equipment,and operations.It also assists them in planning, preparing, and executingoperations, battles,and engagements in a mountainous environment.Army units do not routinely train for operations in amountainous environment. Therefore, commanders and trainers at alllevels should use this manual in conjunction with TC 90-6-1, ArmyTraining and Evaluation Program (ARTEP) mission training plans, andthe training principles in FM 7-0 and FM 7-10 when preparing toconduct operations in mountainous terrain.
Make Money Giving Free Stuff 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
How To Give Away FREE STUFF & Make Money!The ultimate guide on helping people to find freebies andsavings, while making a nice income for yourselfFinally, a business...1. That is simple to set-up2. That cost's nothing to get started3. That you can run from anywhere in the world4. That is extremely satisfying to be a part of, and one that willmake you feel you are REALLY helping those people who need itmost!5. That will earn you money day after day, week after week, yearafter yearFinding and giving away free stuff is very rewarding. You aregenuinely helping people to make ends meet.This book will show you all you need to know, to get started in theamazing world of freebies!It will teach you how to: Find free stuff, Build your membership,Earn an income from affiliate companies and advertisers, Promoteyour service, Get free marketing, and be up and running within aweek!I can even provide a 'Premium Service' (Chapter 7) where I willget you fully set- up and ready to go and provide you with,training, email support and a list of freebies every week!I have been in the business of finding and providing free stufffor almost 10 years. It has become somewhat of a passion for me. Iget a thrill out of finding a few gems each week, then sharing themwith the membership.
Amazing Pizza Recipes 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Over 50 absolutely mouth watering AmazingPizza recipes that anyone can make.Impress your friends and family with these gourmet pizza recipes, plus you get dozens of special dough, crust and sauce recipestoo!A few famous copycat recipes are included.If this app gets rated high enough, we'll add even more recipesfor free!
Living Off The Grid 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Is the fact that you would like to live offthe grid but just don't know how making your life difficult...maybe even miserable?Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power tofigure it out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re stillplagued with:• Not knowing how to even get started• Not understanding even where to start with a off the gridsystem• Not knowing how to use alternative powerLiving “off-grid” is fast becoming a very popular option to thosepeople wishing to lessen their carbon footprint, affirm theirindependence and stay away from the reliance to fossil fuels.Having this kind of lifestyle should be a very helpful idea if youwant to cut off your monthly bill and at the same time to show yourconcern to the environment.Let me explain...“The Grid” is the common term used for power grid. This is theconnected system which designates electricity to the accumulations.An average house is linked to natural gas, telephone, water andpower lines. Choosing to go off the grid should mean that you willturn away from those public utilities in support of producing yourvery own energy.In This App, You Will Learn:What Is Living Off The Grid?Advantages of Living off the GridIs It Practical To Live Off The Grid?What Do You Need To Live Off The Grid?How to Live Off the Grid?And so much more!
Army Rifle Marksmanship Guide 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelvestoriesby Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detectiveSherlockHolmes.These are the first of the Sherlock Holmes shortstories,originally published as single stories in the StrandMagazine fromJuly 1891 to June 1892. The book was published inEngland on 14October 1892 by George Newnes Ltd and in a US Editionon 15 Octoberby Harper. The initial combined print run was 14,500copies.The 12 stories in this collection are:"A Scandal in Bohemia""The Adventure of the Red-Headed League""A Case of Identity""The Boscombe Valley Mystery""The Five Orange Pips""The Man with the Twisted Lip""The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle""The Adventure of the Speckled Band""The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb""The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor""The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet""The Adventure of the Copper Beeches"
Dog Care Complete Guide 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Dog Care Complete – is the ultimate guide tounderstanding how to provide proper care to your dog. Not only willyou have a healthier dog, but a happier dog as well that will livelonger.Not only do we cover these topics, but also we provide links tovideos to better explain the importance of them. Knowing thisinformation could possible save your dogs life and perhaps money invet bills as well!Learn the 35 most critical dog care topics…1. Understanding ingredients (video)2. Dogs need different diets at different ages3. Vitamin and mineral supplements (video)4. Boredom and variety5. Cost of feeds6. Dry vs. Canned food7. Homemade diets8. Food allergies9. How much should I feed my dog?10. How often should I feed my dog?11. Signs of Ill health (video)12. Heart worm, fleas and other parasites13. Heart worm prevention14. Common questions about heart worm (video)15. Fleas and other parasites16. Do parasites cause “Scooting”?17. Preventing dental disease18. Home dental care (video)19. Veterinary dental treatments20. The importance of the physical examination21. Why are regular check-ups important?22. What happens during an examination?23. How often should my pet be examined?24. How to administer medicine25. Nursing a sick dog26. Vaccinations27. Common questions about vaccinations28. Spaying and neutering29. Spaying of the Female dog30. Surgical neutering of the male dog31. Pet health insurance32. Clipping a dog33. First steps in grooming34. Bathing a dog35. Pet Identification
Army Physical Security Guide 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
United States Army's Physical Security Guide FM 3-19.30Physical security is defined as that part of securityconcernedwith physical measures designed to safeguard personnel; topreventunauthorized access to equipment, installations, material,anddocuments; and to safeguard against espionage, sabotage,damage,and theft.Security lighting allows security personnel tomaintainvisual-assessment capability during darkness.Whensecurity-lighting provisions are impractical, whatareneeded?Additional security postsPatrolsMWD patrolsNVDsOther security means as necessary.Commander must ensure that appropriate physical-securitymeasuresare taken to minimize the loss of what?PersonnelSuppliesEquipmentand material through both human and natural threats.What are the four types of fencing that are authorized fortheprotection of restricted areas?Chain linkBarbed wireBarbed tapeConcertina
Save Your Marriage 1.0
At some point, it happens to everyone: Youwake up one day and suddenly your once-blissful marriage isshattered. The spark is gone. And the love of your life wantsnothing to do with you.You yearn for those feelings you had on your wedding day. When youwere both filled with hope and possibilities of what was in storefor the future. Do you wish you could have those feelings backagain?Don’t Worry – You Can!Look – there’s no such thing as a perfect marriage. Life isn’tall sunshine and buttercups. But a happy marriage is a very realthing, and you deserve a happy, healthy marriage. I can showyouexactly how to win back your partner and re-ignite the passion inyour once happy marriage.You remember the feelings you shared when you first fell in lovewhen it was impossible to look at each other without smiling. Justspending time alone together was the perfect night. And the animalattraction between the two of you was white hot.You were happy together once. And if you were happy once, youcan be happy again. Almost everyone encounters some sort ofmarriage problem from time to time. The reason is simple:You are given absolutely no training! In every other area of humandevelopment, we are given some formal training. In high school youwere educated about everything: health, science, literature… but noone ever explained marriages to us.So in essence, you are left to fend for yourself. Ever since theday you were born you were forced to develop marriages with people.And we spend the rest of our lives bouncing in and outof different marriages but never learning how to make them work orhow to improve them.It’s Time For You To Get Your Relationship Back!Reading this letter is a great first step, but ordering our newbreakthrough book is even better! We can show you how to bring backthat loving feeling in no time at all. It’s an amazing book –“Bring Your Marriage Back to Newlywed Again”. Countless people havealready taken the advice in this book and made their marriages allthey dreamed it was supposed to be.You can do it too! Look, there was a reason why you married theperson you married. In the early times of your relationship, thingswere probably all peaches and cream, but then times changedand maybe both of you changed. With this book, you’ll be able toembrace those changes and make them work for both of you in waysyou would never even imagine!What will you learn when you read this book?Why marriages failWhat the warning signs are that your marriage might be introubleHow to get the romance backAdjusting your thinking to work for a healthy marriageWays to reconnect with your spouseAnd so much more!Very few people can go through their marriages without a littlebit of conflict – sometimes a whole lot of conflict. You can chooseto let this affect your marriage forever, or you can choose totakeback your spouse and regain what you felt when you first gotmarried. Some people think it takes two to do this, but it reallydoesn’t. You can get your marriage back to newlyweds all byyourself!Rescue Your Marriage…Without A Word To Your Partner!With just a few simple techniques, you CAN save your marriage.You don’t need expensive counseling. You don’t need to see ashrink. You don’t need to burn thousands of dollars on expensivedivorce lawyers. And you don’t need any involvement from yourpartner. That’s right – you can fix everything without dragging himor her into couple’s therapy.Maybe you’re a little bit skeptical about what we’re tellingyou, but what we are offering you in this book is an amazing fix toa problem that’s been around for years and years. The romancedoesn’t have to die. You can bring it back again – we guaranteeit!But just don’t take our word for it, listen to people who havetaken our advice and realized that even after several years ofmarriage, you can still feel like newlyweds again.
Aircraft Recognition US Guide 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Army Aircraft Visual Recognition Field ManualFM 44-80This manual is primarily a ready reference to assist the groundobserver in aircraft recognition and identification. It providesinformation on current operational aircraft of the United Statesand foreign countries, which may be observed worldwide in thecombat area. It can be used as source material for personnelconducting unit training in visual aircraft recognition.The procedures in this publication apply throughout the US Army.The data is based on the best information available at the time ofpublication; however, it is not all-inclusive because of someclassification guidelines. This publication, by nature, has abuilt-in time lag, and some aircraft may still be under developmentor classified at the time of writing, but may be fielded orunclassified at, or after, publication.
Build Confidence by Hypnosis 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Completely free Hypnosis Audio Program forbuilding confidence!Build your self confidence with our professionally recordedaudio Hypnosis System.Plus a FREE BONUS "The Art of Self Confidence" book whichcovers...Soul Searching and ExploringReadjusting your AttitudeAchieving SuccessRemoving DeceptionsDealing with FearsStress ManagementReleasing your Inner PowersDiscovering your Inner StrengthRelaxationBuilding Self-ConfidenceLosing Weight in to Self-ConfidenceWhy should I quite smoking?Exploring You in to Self ConfidenceGuide to Self Confidence through Soul SearchingAnd Much, Much More...** The FDA has not evaluated these claims. Always seek professionaladvice when making any lifestyle change.
AuctionEgg eBay Deal Finder 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
The ultimate tool for finding deals on eBay.This tool does 2 main things first we have a Misspelled AuctionFinder built-in, here is a litte more about it..Every day thousands of items are listed on eBay withdescriptions containing spelling mistakes. These items often expirewith no bids on them as no-one can find them.Next we have broken down several categories that $1 auctions arelisted in these include, movies, video games, art and more. Weuncover these $1 auction so you can grab these bargains.This tool is provided by
Big Book of Self Help 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
We all want to succeed in life...And though success does not come in a silver platter, it isstill what everybody wants.This is why people get up in the morning to work and drag theirbody back to bed at night. People simply want better – ineverything.There is only one reality and no matter how you would like toescape from that, it will always lure you out.So why not face it with a more realistic approach?The sweet road to success is a path well taken, why not journeythere yourself?If you're looking to improve your life and prosper at whateveryou intend to do then what I'm about to share with you is exactlywhat you need...200 Powerful Tips To Help You Stay Motivated, Get Healthy andReach Your GoalsThese tips may be advice that you have already heard before butnever regarded it to be true only this time, you need to read itfor yourself to register.WHAT'S EXACTLY INSIDE THIS GUIDE?200 tips on health, wealth, business, life, relationships,career and more.11 Tips to help you reach your goals better and faster.Discover how to be financially free with these valuable tips.How to sharpen your skills without much effort.Healthy living: Eating and drinking practices to last you alifetimeHow to make your relationships last. You'll find tips on businessrelationships, customer relationships, personal relationships andmentoring relationships.Keeping up: How to win with everyday agoniesTop ten virtues you must adapt to enjoy a more prosperouslife+ much, much more!Success can be defined in so many different ways. In fact, yourdefinition of victory may be different with your mother’sdefinition of success but on the second thought, it serves the samepurpose. For you to have a better life...
Art of Astrology 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Would like to understand astrology but justdon't know how making your life difficult... maybe even miserable?Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power tofigure it out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re stillplagued with:• Not knowing how to even get started• Not understanding about the signs• Not knowing how to apply it to your lifeIf this describes you, then you are in luck today...First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but notknowing how to use astrology is far more common than you’dthink.Astrology has been regarded as a different thing to differentpersons. Certain individuals view it as the future’s predictionwhile some see astrology as the guide to daily life encounter.Regardless of the situation, this is considered as the observablefact providing insights to a realm of life through a more uniqueand more creative level. It gives a good understanding of thepeople’s existence in this world.Let me explain...The meanings and symbols in Astrology define the entireenergetic abilities of a person to succeed and thrive. This isactually diverse when it comes to its magnitude in order to giveinformation and inspiration to the followers. It does notnecessarily mean that a person should be observant in religiousmatters just to realize the essence of Astrology. In fact, thereare various ways where people can use it in their lives.You Will Learn:Astrology BasicsThe History of AstrologyZodiac Signs BasicsZodiac Sign Houses BasicsCharacteristics of Different Zodiac SignsAnd so much more!
Serenity Meditation Audio 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Completely free professionally recordedmediation audio system for Achieving Peace And OnenessUse Serenity Meditation to...Create profoundly relaxing and calming energy fields in anyenvironmentSignificantly deepen your massage and meditation sessionsHelp instill deep rapture and relaxation during meditationComplement your work with Profound Meditation Program by enjoyingthe stress-relieving, rejuvenative states of consciousnessfacilitated with this CDRelease fatigue after work or during your lunch break.Let go of negativity easilyExperience a deeply relaxing natural highRelease emotional stressEffectively reduce your stress levels and enjoy more peace of mindon a daily basisThe concept of guided audio meditation is simple, it guides youto parts of your meditative state more easily and guides you mindaway with the distraction of sound more quickly giving you a moreproductive Meditation period. While meditating without audio ispossible, audio helps bring one to the desired state morequickly.
Mortgage Calculator 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
This mortgage calculator can be used to figure out monthlypaymentsof a home mortgage loan, based on the home's sale price,the termof the loan desired, buyer's down payment percentage, andtheloan's interest rate. This calculator factors in PMI(PrivateMortgage Insurance) for loans where less than 20% is put asa downpayment. Also taken into consideration are the town propertytaxes,and their effect on the total monthly mortgage payment.
Healing Meditation Audio 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Healing Meditation Guided Audio -Professionally recorded Healing Meditation guided audio.Guided Meditation: HealingAssume a comfortable position. Shut your eyes as you start relax.Take in a deep breath, now breathe out, emptying your lungsentirely. And once again.Take full deep breaths, never strained or rushed. Breathe instrength, breathe out tension. Carry on to relax. Take full deepbreaths. Allow your breathing to discover its own natural,unhurried pace. And as ideas enter your mind, allow them go withoutattachment.As you sink into comfort and relaxation, see yourself enjoying awaterfall of sunlight and crystal water.As the sun and water cascade over your body you absorb thehealing oxygen carried inside your blood vessels though your wholesystem.The oxygen heals and releases the holding contraction of eachmuscle. Every muscle becomes taffy... soft and pliable.All tension gives way to easiness. The cascade of sunlightreminds you of the source of all energy.Your whole being sings with release and renewal as the sourcerefuels and strengthens your body and spirit.In healing all is possible. As you heal your spirit and bodyyour gifts to the universe emerge. The healing vision of cascadingsunshine and water is yours whenever you want it to be.Your breathing is unstrained. Relax your toes and feet. Relaxyour ankles and knees. Relax your leg muscles. Your breathing isdeep and relaxing. Relax your fingers and hands. Loosen up yourwrists and elbows. Relax your arms. Your breathing is slow andpeaceful. Feel your feet and legs get heavy and warm. Feel yourhands and arms get warm and heavy. Simply breathe as your thoughtscome and go.Center on your breathing. Let go of tension as your body fallsinto a state of peaceful quiet. Unclench your jaw. Relax your faceand let go of your tongue.Your heartbeat and breathing are serene and steady. Yourbreathing is relaxed. Void your mind of all thoughts. Your abdomenis soft and warm, your limbs are heavy and warm.Watch your thoughts come and go like clouds in the sky. Your handsare warm, your forehead is cool, and your breathing is deep andrelaxed. Feel your breath sink lower and lower into your lungs. Asyour shoulders drop, feel your breath fill the upper part of yourchest. You're relaxed and peaceful.Your breathing is deep and relaxed. Warm hands, cool forehead.Empty your lungs totally. Hear the silence grow as your mindhushes. Your are relaxed, calm, and centered. Your heart rate andbreathing are calm and steady. Warm hands, cool forehead. Yourbreathing is deep and relaxed. Enjoy the quiet.
Army Counter Sniper Guide 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Army Counter Sniper GuideThis information from the U.S. Army Marksmanship Training Unitis designed to help a trained individual in the selection ofequipment, training and employment of the counter sniper.
Coconut Diet Guide v1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Completely Free Coconut Diet Guide!Over the years there have been many, many claims made about thenatural health benefits of coconut oil mostly surrounding thedietary and medicinal properties that it holds. This is why in thewest coconut oil has quickly become a hot consumer product withthousands of companies including it in their beauty products andthousands of recipes including it as an alternative to otheroils.Yet a lot of controversy still surrounds the actual healthbenefits of coconut and debates still exist as to whether claims ofits benefits have been exaggerated. This is where this book comesinto play. We have carefully researched the benefits of coconut oiland outlined at length all the fantastic qualities that can comefrom eating coconut oil and applying it to your skin. We have leftout some purported benefits through lack of evidence to supportthem and hope that this book will go some way to dispelling themyths surrounding coconut oil, whilst providing the reader withknowledge of coconut oil treatments that will be applicable toeveryone in their normal lives.
Paleo Diet Book 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Completely Free Paleo Diet Book for AndroidWhat is the Paleo Diet?For 2.5 million years, early man foraged and hunted for seafood,meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, roots and seeds. This period of timebefore the development of agriculture is known as the Paleolithicera. The Paleo diet is also known as the Stone Age diet,hunter-gathering diet and the caveman diet. No matter what you callour ancestors, some things haven’t changed.Man’s digestive systems have evolved only the slightest amountin the 10,000 years since farming changed our diets. Shortened toPaleo, the modern diet is an approach to nutrition that mimics theearly man’s diet for ultimate health.Learn more in this free Paleo Diet Book for Android
Bible Genesis Audio Book 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Book Of Genesis Audio BookListen and enjoy all 50 chapters of the Book Of Genesis read bya professional narrator. Over 3 hours and 18 minutes runningtime.Easy to navigate app, audio chapters divided up allows you tocome back and pick up where you left off.Excerpt from Genesis---In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now theearth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of thedeep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God sawthat the light was good, and he separated the light from thedarkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called“night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the firstday.And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters toseparate water from water.” So God made the vault and separated thewater under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. Godcalled the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there wasmorning—the second day.And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to oneplace, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so.God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called“seas.” And God saw that it was good.---
As A Man Thinketh Audio 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Complete audio book of As a Man Thinketh byJames AllenListen and enjoy all 7 chapters of the book read by aprofessional narrator.Easy to navigate app, audio chapters divided up allows you tocome back and pick up where you left off.As a Man Thinketh is a literary essay of James Allen, publishedin 1902. The title is influenced by a verse in the Bible from theBook of Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7, “As a man thinketh in hisheart, so is he.” The main concepts of this book as as follows:Men do not attract what they want, but what they are.A man is literally what he thinks, his character being thecomplete sum of all his thoughts.Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the musicthat stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, theloveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them willgrow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment, of these,if you but remain true to them your world will at last bebuilt.The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which itloves, and also that which it fears. It reaches the height of itscherished aspirations. It falls to the level of its unchasteneddesires - and circumstances are the means by which the soulreceives its own.Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but areunwilling to improve themselves, they therefore remain bound.Every action and feeling is preceded by a thought.Right thinking begins with the words we say to ourselves.Circumstance does not make the man, it reveals him tohimself.You cannot travel within and stand still without.As the physically weak man can make himself strong by carefuland patient training, so the man of weak thoughts, can make themstrong by exercising himself in right thinking.
Beat Depression Hypnosis Syste 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Completely Free Professionally Recorded BeatDepression with Hypnosis SystemBeat Depression with this Hypnosis System, work on almost anyAndroid phone or tablet** These Statements have not been approved by the FDA you shouldalways seek professional advice before making any lifestylechanges
Bible Exodus Audio 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Book Of Exodus Audio BookListen and enjoy all 40 chapters of the Book Of Exodus read by aprofessional narrator. Over 2 hours and 46 minutes runningtime.Easy to navigate app, audio chapters divided up allows you tocome back and pick up where you left off."Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt and through the wildernessto the Mountain of God: Mount Sinai. There Yahweh, through Moses,gives the Hebrews their laws and enters into a covenant with them,by which he will give them the land of Canaan in return for theirfaithfulness. The book ends with the construction of theTabernacle."
Secrets of Success Audio Book 1.1
Vista Concepts. LLC
Looking to improve your business and personallife? For the first time ever we are offering the Success Coachingaudio series completely free, a $197 value!This is the complete full retail package at no cost!Plus you'll get the full book...."The Secrets Of Success: All you ever wanted to know about selfcoaching in just one book"Are you interested in improving your team’s success rate andleading your team to improved goals?If so, you certainly are not alone. Many people feel the sameway.I know I felt the same way until just a few years ago. I hadbeen selected to head up a team at work and I was very aware thatmy career was on the line. I needed to coach my team to success; Ijust had no idea how to go about it.What I did know; however, was that something did have tochange!What I discovered completely changed my life!Just some of the topics we cover...Do you need to reinvent your business and how to tell.Do you need to reinvent your personal motivation for life?How to discover if you need team building in your businessHiring a success speaker for your team eventHow to hire a business motivational coach – what to look forSuccess coaching and putting common sense back into yourbusinessSuccess coaching developing confidence in your businessSuccess and motivational strategies in lifeSuccess coaching and personal development tipsHow to use personal goals in your businessHow to use success goals to be financially secureHow to use success strategies to be personally happyHow to use success coaching for your healthHow to use success coaching for your team building needsCommitment and success strategiesHow to apply what you have learned to your life in thefutureHow to rely on ideas of a success coachHow to find what you want in life to be successfulHow to keep motivated after the coaching processAnd many more al for FREE, this is the complete retail packageat no cost!.
Organic Gardening 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Over the last few years, home gardeninghasgotten to be an increasingly popular past-time and hobby. Asamatter of fact, studies demonstrate that home gardening is atanall time high in America today.Obviously, from the number of individuals that are doing it,homegardening is among the most popular recreational activitiesinnation and organic gardening is also on the rise.Is your lack of knowledge about how to make the right choicesfororganic gardening making your life difficult... maybeevenmiserable?Well here’s the good news:Does it seem like you've tried everything you know to bemoreknowledgeable about getting together a garden, and yet,despiteyour best intentions, you’re still plagued with:• Not knowing how to get started• Not understanding the different plants or soil needs• Not knowing how to make the best choices when it comes totoolsand suppliesYou Can Start Organic Gardening Now!Most individuals that try their hand at home gardeningplantflowers; at least they begin planting flowers anyway. Roseswilllikely be the first thought for gardeners, but roses willtakeadditional time and work, and ought to probably be left tothosewho have gardened before. When planting flowers a lot ofchoicesare available, like bulbs, perennials, and annuals.Edible plants are a different big thing in home gardening.Possiblythe best thing about edibles is the payoff of eating them.The listof edible plants that gardeners may grow at home isendless. A fewof the most common edible plants in the veggie arenaare potatoes,peas, corn, carrots, squash, and cucumber. A lot ofgardeners optfor fruits, like, watermelons, tomatoes, peaches,plums, apples,pears, and apricots.And if you want to make a change for the better where itconcernsyour health, you will get moving toward making this changeandgetting the information that you need!This is what you’re getting from this ultimate guide togreengardening:Container GardeningGrowing HerbsOrganic Mulching For FreeThe LocationGreen Watering... and much more
Tarot Pictorial Key 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Completely digitized work of Edward Waite ofhis pictorial key to the Tarot form 1910. Complete with originalillustrations.If you wanted the "bible" on Tarot card this is it!"The Tarot embodies symbolical presentations of universal ideas,behind which lie all the implicits of the human mind, and it is inthis sense that they contain secret doctrine, which is therealization by the Few of truths embedded in the consciousness ofall."-Arthur Edward Waite
Win Foreclosure 2
Vista Concepts. LLC
Would like to understand foreclosure but justdon't know how making your life difficult... maybe even miserable?Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power tofigure it out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re stillplagued with:• Not knowing how to even get started• Not understanding even where to start with saving your home• Not knowing how to identify foreclosure scamsIf this describes you, then you are in luck today...First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but notknowing how to deal with foreclosure is far more common than you’dthink.Although this is not the most ideal of situations, for the savvyinvestor this type of property procurement is definitely morebeneficial. As for the home owner in question although the entireexperience of the foreclosure can be a nightmare it is still abetter option than being declared a bankrupt.Let me explain...The upside to foreclosures would be that the shrewd investorwould be able to capitalize on this type of property procurementand the seller who is in dire straits will be able to get rid ofthe property fairly quickly so that no further debts are incurred.As for the downside, it is obvious that the property is alreadyundergoing some problems financially thus there is no questionabout the possible risks involved which in this case could becomparatively higherAnd the worst part? The more you don't know the less you willsucceed!You Will Learn:Understanding Foreclosure BasicsWays To Save Your HouseWhen To Give Up Your House?Battle Against Foreclosure In CourtBeware of Foreclosure ScamsAnd so much more!
5 Ways to Eat Chicken 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Do you want to get healthier, but are turnedoff by nasty, tasteless cardboard that makes you feel sick to yourstomach just thinking about it?Do you feel like all the latest health fads deliver nothing morethan neurotic obsessions and leave you more confused than everabout what to eat?Would you believe that there is one DELICIOUS, traditional foodthat has been used for centuries to treat:· Humiliating conditions like acne and impotence?· Fever, aches and pains of cold and flu?· Emotionally scarring infertility?· The scourge of overweight and obesity?· Crippling disorders such as arthritis?· And much more?It’s true! Several cultures around the world have long turned toone food to heal a wide variety of health issues that stem fromweakened immunity and hormonal imbalances!This same food is also recognized globally for its superb flavorand the richness that it lends to other dishes. What is this food,you ask?Cock!That’s right! Roosters (male chickens) are a highly nutritioussource of easily digested protein that has traditionally been knownas a miracle food throughout the world. In fact, TraditionalChinese Medicine has used it for centuries for its therapeuticproperties in healing a wide variety of health conditions.Plus everyone from world-class chefs to humble home cooks agreethat the flavor of hens (female chickens) pales in comparison torobust flavor of cock.Unfortunately, in recent years, the hen has overshadowed the cock’splace on the dinner plate and few people understand just how toprepare this succulent meat for optimal nutritional benefit andflavor.In fact, rooster has become such an obscure meat in many placesthat it is often not recognized in regular supermarkets. There are,however, ways to get your hand on some cocks, if you know where tolook. And if you still don’t have access, there is a perfectlyeasy-to-find substitute that is readily available in manymarkets.5 Ways to Eat Cock: Mouthwatering and Nutritious Rooster Recipesfor the Imaginative Cook contains five incredibly healing,melt-in-your-mouth cock recipes.In addition to the recipes, you’ll get insight as to many healinguses for cock, how to adapt cock to your own recipes and ways oftracking down your own cock – if you don’t have access in your ownneighborhood.5 Ways to Eat Cock takes a revealing look at the folklore, history,culinary culture and nutritional benefits of this well-endowedingredient. With tongue-in-cheek descriptions, these playful cockrecipes are bulging with everything from the quintessential to thequick-and-easy to the downright quirky.It has been praised by nutrition researcher and cookbook author,Sally Fallon Morell, as a “fun and imaginative cookbook on aforgotten traditional food.”But hold it!This is more than just a book about eating cock. 5 Ways to Eat Cockalso contains common sense recommendations about eating everythingfrom salt to whole grains that virtually everybody gets wrong!These missing links are precisely why so many diets that start outmaking you feel great, fail in the long run leading to allergies,thyroid disorders, weight gain and even the dreaded glutenintolerance.If you’re fed up with gross interpretations of healthy recipes andwant to rediscover human health from the ground up, then 5 Ways toEat Cock is sure to deliver lips-smacking meal options and lend yousome valuable insight as to how to eat deliciously at everymeal.
Magic of Miracles 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Nowadays, many things are consideredmiraclessuch as surviving a big disaster like a tsunami,earthquake, fireor car crash. A mother who was told that shecouldn’t ever getpregnant will see conceiving a child as a miracle.Surviving stage4 cancer way beyond the estimated time that one issupposed to liveis also a miracle. When there are problems,complications orthreats, people pray to God. Surpassing thesetrials against allodds will then be seen as an answer to theirprayers and thus amiracle.You see...Different people in different cultures believe in differentGodsor “supreme beings”. Sometimes certain cultures even haveseveralof them. Christianity is the most widespread religion with33.32%of the world’s population believing in Jesus. Next is Islamwith21.01% of the world’s population believing in Allah.FollowingIslam is Hinduism with 13.26% of the world’s populationbelievingin several Gods and Goddesses.The Christian bible is full of miracles from the Old Testamenttothe New Testament. Below are some of the most famous miraclesaswell as the verses in which they are found.It is believed that Buddha attained his supernaturalabilitiesthrough deep meditation. He performed miracles to benefithumansand warned people that his being able to do miracles shouldnot bethe reason on why people will follow his path. Below are someofhis miracles with some short descriptions of themYour lack of knowledge may not be your fault, but thatdoesn’tmean that you shouldn’t -- or can’t -- do anything toCHANGEit!The costs of continuing to not get this knowledge are justtoosteep...I mean, think about all of the money you’re wasting becauseofhow this lack of knowledge costs you money purchasing thingsthatcan't give you the results you want... the cost to your ego isaswell is a concern...So feel fortunate today -- as we’re going to help youSTOPwringing your hands in frustration, and learn how you canquicklyand easily get a better understanding about the worldofmiracles... for GOOD!In This Book, You Will Learn:Miracle BasicsUnderstanding The Meaning Of SupernaturalMiracles In ChristianityMiracles In Other ReligionsAsking For Miracles In ChristianityAnd so much more!
Weight Loss Maintenance 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
"Get All The Support And Guidance You NeedToBe A Success At Maintaining Your Weight!"This App Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In The WorldWhenIt Comes To Your Basic Guide To Understanding Weight LossAndManagement!s the fact that you would like to get a grip on how tounderstandhow to maintain your weight but just don't know howmaking your lifedifficult... maybe even miserable?Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power tofigureit out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re stillplaguedwith:• Not knowing even the basics on getting started withbettereating habits• Not understanding even where to start withmaintainingweight• Not knowing what fad diets are aboutIf this describes you, then you are in luck today...First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, butnotknowing how to get started with maintaining your weight is farmorecommon than you’d think.I ought to know, because I’ve been in the same spotbefore..."Why Understanding All The Ins And Outs Of Maintaining WeightlsCrucial!"This is one area you must pay attention to…Losing weight can’t be achieved in just a wink of an eye.Beforeyou reach your main goal, you have to do accurate steps andget ridof your unhealthy lifestyle. Depending on your preferredschemes,losing weight can be easy or complicated.Let me explain...Weight loss requires a reduction in calorie consumption.Mostpeople try to reduce weight through exercising or dieting.Everyperson has their own reason why they opt to lose weight. Someofthem desire to develop their self-confidence or appearmoreattractive while others just want to stay healthy and fit.Whateverreasons you have, there is nothing to worry about.Achieving aperfect body and weight can be done without practicinganycomplicated procedures. It is a matter of how you controlandmotivate yourself to live a healthy lifestyle.And the worst part? The more you don't know the less youwillsucceed!Make no mistake about it..."The Costs of NOT Getting All The Info You Need Are JustTooHigh!"Your lack of knowledge in this area may not be your fault,butthat doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t -- or can’t -- do anythingtofind out everything you need to know to finally be a successwithmaintaining your weightto have better health!The costs of continuing to repeat this pattern are justtoosteep...I mean, think about all of the money and time you’rewastingbecause of how continuing to try things that don't workcosts youmoney... the time you’re losing due to going around incircles isalso time-consuming...... and that’s not to mention the toll it’s taking onhealth,like the way the failed attempts over and over can impacthow youcan have rebound weight gain.So today -- in the next FEW MINUTES, in fact -- we’re goingtohelp you GET ON TRACK, and learn how you can quickly and easilygetyour weight issues under control... for GOOD!In This App, You Will Learn:The Basics On Weight LossThe Basics On Weight ManagementThe Basics On Fad Diet PlansThe Basics On Exercise For Weight LossYour Weight And Emotions BasicsAnd so much more!
Astrology Hindu Sacred Texts 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGYFor thousands of years the Hindu Astrologers have by theirknowledge of the solar system been enabled to formulate a system ofAstrology, which enables them to speak with scientific authorityand certainty with respect to the planetary influences uponmankind.Each person is born in or under one of the twelve signs of theZodiac and is thus influenced more or less throughout life by theplanetary conditions at time of birth.In this work I propose to state the natural tendencies of eachperson and in a certain way indicate what they should do and whatthey should not do to make their life a success.By referring to your sign, which is indicated by the date and monthwhen you were born, you will see what your natural tendencies are,and what it is best for you to do to attract and use unseen forcesand powers which are your birthright, and which will aid you tomake your future bright.Each and every person is naturally endowed with peculiar andgreat powers which make for good, and also are born with tendencieswhich must be corrected in order that the higher and good powersand forces may be able to work to advantage. No matter how bad yourlot may seem to you, and how difficult it is for you to get alongin the world, you can readily change all darkness to the brightestsunshine if you only go about it in the right spirit.The first step to take is to fix in your mind a strong desirefor what you wish, and persistently and patiently hold this desireuntil you get it fulfilled. In India, men, through the advice ofeminent astrologers, will have an aspiration to accomplish acertain thing, and will persistently hold and believe they will besuccessful in attaining what they desire until they get theiraspiration satisfied.There are three things absolutely essential to happiness andwhich will always bring success; viz., hope, patience anddetermination--persistent determination to reach success. When welearn to exercise our mind and will on hope, patience anddetermination, we find a wide door open to permanent health,wealth, honor and happiness.
Aerobics For Fitness 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
Getting in shape and staying fit is not alwayseasybut some ways are easier than others suchas aerobics when you do it right ..."Aerobics For Fitness Provides You With Everything You Need to Knowto Make Aerobics Work Right And Produce Real Fitness Results"Learn all the right information about aerobics and the bestmethods so that you can maximize the aerobic benefits you receivein fitness and weight lossFrom: Firstname LastnameRE: Aerobics is one of the best forms of exerciseStudies have shown that aerobics is a great form of exercise tokeep in shape or take off excess weight. Statistically speaking,aerobics is one of the best means of exercise to rapidly burn offcalories. Learning how to get started with proper understanding andcorrect aerobic methods is crucial in making it work best foryou.With Aerobics for Fitness, You'll Learn Everything You Need toKnowAll the following will enable you to become an expert on theaerobic routine that will best benefit you and your fitnessneeds:A discussion about the benefits of aerobic exercise and why youneed itInformation on how aerobics can help you lose weight and stayfitAn examination of the different types of aerobics and those thatare best for youAn explanation about wading-in-water aerobics, aerobic dance,aerobic breathing, aerobic kickboxing, and step aerobicsA close look at participating in aerobics during pregnancy andaerobics for kidsInsight on how to recognize the beauty of aerobic exercisesInformation on the various types of aerobic equipmentAnd much, much more!Learn From the Aerobic Pros So You Can Select Your Own AerobicMethodsOnce you finish reading Aerobics For Fitness, you can then startshaping your body and losing calories at your pace and with yourmethod.And this means no aerobic instructor or classes needed.Imagine the time and money you'll save by pacing yourself andselecting your own program right at home.After learning about the different types of aerobics you canpick those methods that will work best for you, many that may noteven be offered by an instructor.Take control of your own life, set your own goals, and selectyour own aerobic methods.Find out everything you need to know about aerobics now so youdon't have to rely on others.
Best Freebies 1.0
Vista Concepts. LLC
You love free stuff, then this is the App foryou, with over 10,000 free items you can grab!This app is broken into 3 lists, starting with World Freebies,then USA Freebies and UK Freebies. The links were active at thetime of publication, but should any freebie offer be no longeravailable, my apologies!The ultimate guide of free stuff in the palm of your hands!